
Sodna praksa Sodišča EU, lastni članki, spremembe davčne zakonodaje....

Izbrani prispeveki - novice o davkih pri nas in v EU - NEWS about TAXES

V družbi TAXIN d.o.o. (mag. Franc Derganc), partnerici Mreže Modro Poslovanje preučujemo davčno-pravna in druga poslovno-pravna vprašanja na podlagi študija sodne prakse Sodišča EU in slovenskih sodišč, preučevati moramo pravne predpise EU in domače pravne predpise ter spremljamo "potrebe" strank - podjetij, ki delujejo v Republiki Sloveniji ter na t.i. mednarodnih trgih. 

Mreža modro poslovanje, na dnevnem nivoju, spremlja spremembe iz spodaj navedenih baz podatkov.

   The partners (TAXIN d.o.o.) of the Wisdom Business Network study tax, legal and other business-legal issues based on the study of the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU and Slovenian courts, they must study EU legal regulations and domestic legal regulations, and they must monitor the needs of customers - companies that operate in the Republic of Slovenia and operate also on the so-called international markets.

The Wisdom business network monitors changes from the databases listed below on a daily basis.


D 5. Pravica imate, da vas davčni organ obravnava profesionalno, vljudno in pošteno - 5 TAXPAYER RIGHTS - ADM RIGHTS

D 5. Pravica do profesionalne, prijazne, profesionalne obravnave - 5 TAXPAYER RIGHTS - ADM RIGHTS

Kodesk zaposlenih v FURS določa navedeno načelo


Finančna uprava Vam bo podala informacije, skladno z načelom integritete, prijaznosti,  sodelovanja in vam nudili najboljši servis. V Sloveniji nimamo neodvisen organ, ki bi lahko preveril izvajanje spodnjega KODEKSA. 

FURS izvaja storitve ob upoštevanju ETIČNEGA KODEKSA, ki je sprejet  v letu 2015, žal pa ni sprejetega protokola, ki bi objektivno prispeval k dejanskemu uveljavljanju kodeksa.




Kako razumejo načelo v Kanadi?


You can expect we will treat you courteously and with consideration at all times, including when we ask for information or arrange interviews and audits. Integrity, professionalism, respect, and collaboration are our core values and reflect our commitment to giving you the best possible service.

You can also expect us to listen to you and to take your circumstances into account, which is part of the process of making impartial decisions according to the law. We will then explain our decision and inform you of your rights and obligations regarding that decision.

If you feel we have not treated you professionally, courteously, and fairly

We want you to let us know. You can do so by using the CRA – Service Complaint process. To find out how to send a service complaint, see 9. You have the right to lodge a service complaint and to be provided with an explanation of our findings.




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