

B 2 . Pravica poslovati z davčno administracijo v vseh jezikih iz Ustave RS - 2 TAXPAYER RIGHTS (0)

B 2 . Pravica poslovati z davčno administracijo v vseh jezikih iz Ustave RS - 2 TAXPAYER RIGHTS (0)

Author: Franc/Tuesday, December 24, 2019/Categories: Pravice plačnikov davkov - TAXPAYER RIGHTS, 2 . B. Pravica poslovati z davčno administracijo v vseh jezikih iz Ustave RS - 2 TAXPAYER RIGHTS

Kako moramo razumeti pravico do uporabe jezika?

Finančna uprava R Slovenije mora upoštevati  uporabo jezika, kot to določa Ustava R Slovenije.

V primeru, ko tuja oseba ne razume uradnega jezika, mora organ pridobiti uradnega prevajalca, kar omogoči izpolnitev obveznosti tuje osebe. 


Kako razumejo načelo v Kanadi?


The Official Languages Act gives you the right to communicate with, and receive services from, the federal government in English or French. The CRA is committed to providing services in both official languages.

If we have not served you in the official language of your choice?

We want you to let us know. You can do so by calling us.

If you feel your concerns have still not been fully considered after this first contact, you can send a complaint to the CRA Service Complaints Program. To find out how to send a service complaint, see 9. You have the right to lodge a service complaint and to be provided with an explanation of our findings.

If your concerns are not being addressed to your satisfaction at any time during this process, you can contact the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.



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